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About Us


We have great pleasure in introducing ourselves as a PREMIER SERVICE PROVIDER, which has been providing services  to  a  large  number  of  reputed  private,  public  and  institutional  undertakings  from  last TWO DECADE.

Today, we can proudly boast of a composite force of over 3000 strong, dedicated, conscientious and vibrant players, supporting some 187 highly satisfied clients, spread over “THE COUNTRY”. Most of them have been with us for years now, including a large number from our very inception.

We have a fully equipped, modern and centrally located office run by professionally qualified thoroughbreds, having wide-ranging in-line experience, who are out to deliver results. Innovativeness, Economy & Service have been the hall-mark of our personnel packages designed for and offered to our clients. We have continuously endeavored to update, refine and revitalize our service profile to keep pace with the changing and exacting demands of our clients. As a matter of policy, we maintain an active interface with our clients so as to be in touch with the realities on ground.

We earnestly and strongly believe in the adage, “An Organization can Sustain and Grow only through Excellence in Service”.

We believe in pursuing our assigned role vigorously, dedicatedly and relentlessly to perfection. Needless to add that we have the REQUISITE KNOW-HOW, THE INFRASTRUCTURE AND THE RIGHT. Quite naturally, therefore, we feel encouraged to believe that you would want to consider us as a possible choice to serve your esteemed institution. On our part, we may assure you that, given the chance, we would more than justify your choice.

Ever alert and fully alive, we respond to our clients’ exacting, fluctuating, sudden and unforeseen requirements with utmost promptitude and diligence. This then constitutes the core element of “our cutting edge”.

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